POSTED ON: Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 9:01 PM | 0 comments

Today went to Queensbay with my buddies of course! The worse part my sis friend Kelly is coming to watch Night in the Museum 2 and seriously with her around is really really troublesome... DAMN IT!!!!

Then my sis and I split different directions she went with Kelly to the arcade leaving me and the rest then we ate Baskin-Robbins also because of the 31% discount Mint Chocolate with Rum and Raisin I don't like both the flavors but it turn out good we all added that my sis didn't come along is a big waste.... hehehehe then we snapped photos.... later we went to Borders, to tell you the truth Borders isn't that interesting anymore, maybe because don't have my manga TT.TT owh did I mention that Sarah followed us too and we spotted Li Ann there at Borders

Then we met up with my sis and we went to the cinema while buying some food and drink what so ever I was the fisrt person to spotted PN.MOK!!!! I was like "Are my eyes deceiving me?" Then I tell DV ''Pn.Mok! Pn.Mok!" She was like "Where? Where?" Then I said "There with the yellow shirt" pointing although it's bad to point She was like shocked and ran to the others telling them, then we all called her she saw us and talked to us after she left(she wanted to watch the same movie with us by the way with her girl) the others were like blur when they call her more like don't know what to say, then we watched the movie and it's seriously funny man couldn't stop laughing then movie ended we went to the toilet spotted a group of the seniors at school one of them is our computer club member cool!Then we went to anime store beside the cinema then I thought my book was gone, it turns out to be still there YAYS!!!! And also another Soul Eater Fan Book but it's cheaper by RM2 and I decided to buy that one

Then we all followed Srah to CIMB Bank, she wants to withdraw money to buy anime CD I spotted for her... and it was a long line then she forgot the PIN, calling her mum it turns out the PIN was terbalik the back number was the front and the front number was back!!!!!! WTF?! We had to wait in line... a long line finally settle, oh... and also I spotted Allyson when Sarah is waiting for her mum to call about the PIN then we went and makan I ate MCD, then that's went the problem started... my sis wanted to meet us then I say come to the food court beside MCD, she tak tahu pulak seriously I want to kill her cukup cukup, susah payah I went up to meet her at Borders, then we met to team up with the others... I saw Vanessa with her BF I called out to her which is just beside me she respond and she's sooooooo........ mesra with her BF... whateverla

Then we went back to the CD store again and later we said goodbye.....and goodbye

P.S: I forgot to tell you went we(my sis and I) on the way going out to Queensbay I spotted our ketua pengawas....geezz... we really met a lot of people today hopefully next time we go there again will be more than that *giggles*

POSTED ON: Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 11:20 PM | 0 comments

Today's Teacher's Day is the bomb the real bomb EVA!!!!! Aside of wearing baju kurung la hehehe... the performance especially priceless especially Pn.Shamala she's totally freaking awesome I was stunned but what really stunned me is the prefects they're so totally awesome with their ''Stomp-the-yard'' like dance man it's a waste that I don't camera TT.TT and I do not want to talk about ''the bad news thingy'' instead I wrote it ''out of the public'' XP about my opinion so you guys better not ask me ah....!!!! I'm serious and I'm so happy next week my mum allow me to go to the anime convention in KDU KUDOS to me YAYS!!!!!!! Never been so happy funny it's a short entry wait next time ya..... nya~.....

POSTED ON: Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 4:23 PM | 0 comments

Tomorrow is Teacher's Day YAHOO!!!! IT'S PARTY TIME!!!!! And lots of food to eat and fashion lots of fashion.... there will be even more surprises to as well. I'll save that for later right now.... toay our class freaked over a fake lizard which it's funny and it rained and I created a Kingdom Hearts Blog for news updates from the website I joined and found hmm.. I should infrom my cousin he is seriously into Kingdom Hearts then Final Fantasy to tell you the truth me too

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 3:31 PM | 0 comments

And I thought I had enough of that actress... that pisses me a lot. Just yesterday I posted a forum about.... ahem Kristen Steward in her acting career as Bella Swan and I don't know if there is any response. I'll get to the point though yesterday Star Newspaper got a show airing today starring Corbin Bleu(High School Musical actor) so I watched it and one of the female character she looks so much like Kristen don't want to judge very suspicious I check the paper again different name....weird the looks so much like her then go to Wikipedia check the show and memang is her WTBF???!!!! And as usual her acting.....*yawn* dull

POSTED ON: Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 12:20 PM | 0 comments

Yay exam over already can concentrate on my nonsense already XP ok... now I'm back after so many damn long days and also there's new things I have to really tell.... I guess anyways ... I heard from my sis's friend(anime freak) that La Corda D'Oro got 2nd season and got new chracters too and I've been searching on Youtube for the trailers(I love trailers) and I got 20 seconds instead of 1.30(it was deleted) any how

Kazuki kept his hair long!!! O.O and also as obvious Kahoko still got the boys -_-"""
That aside, before I used to request a piano theme from the user in Youtube and he uploaded it! YAYS AGAIN!!

Kingdom Hearts-Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru(I love that song)

Code Geass Opening-Colors

I wonder why it's the TV version :(

And not forgetting...
FullMetal Alchemist Ending-Uso(Lie)

Looks very easy,huh??

And some other plans of mine making my 3rd video and this time Windows Media Player,and yea my sis friend Kelly(some of you guys know her) brought 2 mangas from Borders 1. Inuyasha Book 2 2. FullMetal Alchemist Book 1(I read it online but my sis wants too buy the book -_-"") And seriously it's better reading than online

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 17, 2009 @ 4:39 PM | 0 comments

Things I hate about my sister

1) She brags a lot
Define brag: My sis likes to talk about herself,how? For example: If she got better marks than me she says "English got ...... like that? I got...... I more than you"

2) She insults a lot
Define insult: If I don't know a single thing she gives me lots of reasons just recently she called me "stupid"

3) She has the biggest mouth ever
Define biggest mouth ever: When I ask her to keep a secret she blew it big time and as a result I got in trouble... sometimes you need secrets and lies to save your life

4) She's the worse so-call-big-sister ever
Define so-call-big-sister: She treats me like a baby... what about her? Always in control of me

5) She treats me like a maid
Define like a maid: Always I'll do the work and she doesn't do it

6)She annoys me
Define annoys me: Let's see she's like a titu person until I have to fire on her

I feel like tell you guys about her....

Yesterday was really weird not to mention I realised more about Fiona she's so...... what to say um... girly..... just one zit I mean big zit on her nose and she really takes things seriously saying also that she rather be in quarantine... -_-""" um... hate to say it but pathetic seriously she's so Sharpay Evans as I said before she's been screeching because of the small well sorta small big little thing

POSTED ON: Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 1:53 PM | 0 comments

Yesterday was..... not that good enough well make exception because of the exam.... still no plans for the dance...sigh... then later tonight I witness a lizard fight 3 all together and seriously I HATE LIZARDS !!!!! Then I moved back.... no sudden movements until one of the lizards got injured and blood splatted on the wall WHAT AN UGLY SIGHT!!!! It's gross... the 3 lizards backed off until they approached again and this time I notice one of the lizards actually licked the blood stain on the wall....... that's seriously digusting -_-""" talk about a vampire-lizard I wonder vampire-lizard sounds gross and yet weird enough

And yea... yesterday was the released of Tsubasa:Chronicles Shunraiki I wonder what happen? And also Soul Eater Chapter 61, finally!!!!

POSTED ON: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ 6:42 PM | 0 comments

Today I really gone crack actually not me the whole class... maybe it's cause of Thivya and her silliness and also Zhen Mei with her weird laughing matter because of the madness I came out of something

Zhen Mei-Laughing Machine
Thivya-Class clown and 'useless' fella
Yanie-American Gal
Sirin-4 Cerdas Model *uwek*
Thanes-Talkative mouth-mover
Adilla-Leader/Conqueror of 4 Cerdas
Ee Thing-Assistant
Zuhaina-Ah Long
Wafa-Minister of Cleanness
Rogini-Smart Brilliant Bright
Chia Hui-Interactor
Me-Author and Anime Freak
Jhanani-The Athletic Queen

That's all I can come out with I'll observe more than maybe I can come out of something... I never regretted being in that class

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 6:12 PM | 0 comments

Aiyoh didn't update got nothing to say what.... ish... but I want to do something today....

HEHEHE!!!! We memang copy cat huh? That's why Thivya suggest want not us jahat la she

Another photo again to tell you the truth the position I'm standing I almost fall y'know don't ask why... and I kinda don't owe this photo I kinda..... steal it so don't tell my monitor okay she'll kill me

SO PERASAAN!!!! LOL LMAO!!! Oh yea pay attention the girl beside Thivya on her left does she look weird? No? Still None? Look carefully.... still no Adilla says she's like posing as the next American Next Top Model or better yet MALAYSIAN NEXT TOP MODEL!!!


Having a good laugh is definately the best medicine

I think you know who it is

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 3, 2009 @ 6:00 PM | 0 comments

Today is very pissing, in fact even pissing than before.... my sis once again took over the computer...but this time over her damn limit.... when my mum says stop and off the computer I made the excuse I haven't played yet she responded I didn't ask I was like WTF?! If I ask my sis wouldn't move and she knows that...bloody fool and that's not a fair choice now she says surf for like 1 hour!! WTBF??!!

POSTED ON: Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 12:51 PM | 0 comments

YAYS!!!! It's a public holiday!!!!! At home playing the computer then later anime time!!!!!! If you know what I'm talking about that is.... my sis played the computer until I cannot chat with my friends F*** her seriously!!!! This isn't the 1st time though.... asshole...baka imoto the wrong time I'm thinking about drawing when the exam's are here -_-" Why now seriously???????

I'm planning to submit this in deviantart. My new account that is... don't know why my scanner scan until cannot show my signature don't care la... still I have to master my hands la -_-''''
And there's also another thing... just to recap you guys memories....

Yes... for your infomation... I'm still keeping this thing.... I purposely put this in the Seni Folio if you guys still remember...psst... I purposely put lots of Ed ^.^ enjoy!!!!

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