The War Isn’t Over

POSTED ON: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 @ 11:18 AM | 0 comments

So my previous post I mentioned about the fanwar between Rushers and Directioners. The fight isn’t over if that’s what you’re wondering, but I just learned myself there is a different side of Directioners, a double side of this fandom, known as Directionators, Directionators are the mean fans of Directioners, so in short, they are the devil. Since I have no knowledge of this One Direction stuff and what so ever, so I have no idea this exist in their fandom. Proof? I got it
So it’s true then.
So far for today I haven’t hear any angry rants from the DIRECTIONATORS. Of course I got all of these updates from Twitter.
What’s really sad that the Directioners are dragged into the mess, and they have to apologized on their behalf, very sad. But that’s a good thing, we received support from Directioners. And surprise, surprise, we also got support from the Beliebers!
Other than that, I have received replies from Directioners apologizing to me. Which in fact was a good thing, I’m happy that they cared as well, I met one Directioners who understands the current problem and LOVES RUSHERS, yes, you read it right, LOVE RUSHERS and followed me, and as for me returning the favour, I followed her back.
Well, I can see it from there, since from the beginning I didn’t come across any complains from the Beliebers hating on the Rushers, unlike the Directionators towards the Rushers, well, I supposed that they are also the understanding fans in the whole fanwar situation.
And yes, with all the drama going around, I am very mad. By far, the Directionators ARE THE WORST FANBASE I’VE ENCOUNTERED (please not I mentioned ‘DIRECTIONATORS’ )
Long story short, I want both fanbase to get along. End of story

The war still continues….

POSTED ON: Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 11:17 AM | 0 comments

So… BTR had already started their Better With U tour, and it was awesome! I saw pictures and videos of their performance and it was totally epic. Very awesome. For the past few days One Direction wasn’t touring with them maybe because they’re attending the Brits Awards, but just last week One Direction had already joined BTR on their tour…. and it doesn’t stop there.
The Directioners are at it again. They’re messing with us once more. First, it’s because of One Direction are doing the opening concert for BTR, the Directioners came to the concert, and when One Direction finished performing, they LEFT! Just like that, I mean how could they just stayed to watch One Direction and just left like that, that’s so rude just because they wanted to see One Direction live. Have some dignity.
What makes me angry is the fact that, some of the Rushers who wanted to attend to the concert but unable to and there the Directioners had given the chance and they just left it there.
Secondly, is the fact, from what I read that a Directioner told Kendall to go away in another concert performance. Whether this fact is true or not, it was totally bogus, what right does she has to say to Kendall like that in BTR concert? But after Kendall tweeted this, 
I knew the incident wasn’t a lie. But at least Kendall could see how much us Rushers are supportive towards him. At least he knows that Rushers are not leaving for One Direction. Because those Directioners attending the concert are clearly Directioners watching One Direction alone.
Then, I heard that they even threaten to harm BTR’s pets…. even low…. seriously, the Directioners really should get a grip towards themselves.
This morning, Carlos posted another video… this time… with One Direction.
I really wish the fans could see how they get along and not cause chaos again.
Till next time.

Call Me Maybe

POSTED ON: Monday, February 20, 2012 @ 11:15 AM | 0 comments

Carlos has done it once again. This latest video he uploaded features loads of his celebrity friends are making a trend on Twitter. Which is entirely awesome. The song, Call Me Maybe is already making a hit quickly. The video is basically about them fooling around for fun. It was fun to watch I was smiling all the way, it makes my day completely. Can’t stop watching it. I wish I could tell Carlos personally that this video really made my day.
Other than that, please enjoy the video =)

Computer Problems

POSTED ON: Saturday, February 18, 2012 @ 11:09 AM | 0 comments

Have not been blogging lately, preoccupied with college and I have no idea what to blog about. Sadly, so what’s up with me these few days? Well, the assignments are still the same over loaded. But now I’m having a huge problem. My laptop problem, it’s een messing with me since Thursday and i have no idea what’s causing it…. my laptop keeps popping up the Startup Recovery problem and it’s really annoying…. quite scared of the problem because it’s really serious to me.
Hopefully, it’s just a minor problem and it doesn’t involve my laptop being away for a long time…. but I need to reformat my laptop so I might lose all my stuff and need re-installation. Sucks

The World Mourns For Whitney Houston

POSTED ON: Monday, February 13, 2012 @ 11:06 AM | 0 comments

At February 11, the world is stunned once again by a death of an inspiring singing icon, the voice of a powerful vocal, THE Whitney Houston. The singer which inspire many people with her powerful vocal.
First we lost Michael Jackson, then Amy Winehouse and now Whitney Houston.. amazing singers are leaving us too soon.
The moment I saw the trending on Twitter, my heart stops for a moment, thinking it might be a fake news but after going to Yahoo, it was the truth. I may not be a fan of Whitney Houston since I wasn’t even both in the 1980s to see her breakout but it definitely took me a while to process the whole thing… it was shocking. And it was unexpected.
My parents knew Whitney Houston and hear her songs, and her songs are indeed beautiful, I had to say my favourite song is ‘I Will Always Love You,’. She struggled a lot due to drugs from her ex-husband during her time, and because of drugs, her career went downhill and her voice was no longer like before. Drugs killed her voice.
What’s worse, she’s supposed to perform at the Grammy’s the next day, and now everything was ruin. The joyful event was overshadowed but the death of Whitney Houston, and they have to reschedule everything. Jennifer Hudson had to sing in her place and sing a tribute to her.
The world will never be the same again.

Dick Figures

POSTED ON: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 @ 11:14 AM | 0 comments

So I have something to blog about now, while I’m still waiting for the new episode of Vampire Diaries, which is going to be on this Friday and it’s Wednesday today, which only leaves me like 2 days left…. =.=
While waiting, I found myself addicted to a Youtube animation by Mondo Media, you might be familiar that this studio is the genius behind Happy Tree Friends, which I’m not really fond of because of it’s violence sequence in that show. In fact, I’m into Dick Figures. What is Dick Figures? Actually, it’s actually stick figures which the characters are stick figures, it’s just that they changed it to Dick Figures, reason? I’m not sure myself.
My sis is the reason that I got into Dick Figures, and I really enjoyed it, especially the 2 hilarious stick characters Red and Blue, and yes, their colour is also red and blue.
I’m not really sure which one is my favourite episodes because I enjoyed all of the episodes. Here are some of the few which considered my favourite
I had to say that  Red is a real hyper person and Blue is just…. being matured? Haha… I’m not sure myself but I sure do know that I’m having the same attitude like Blue while Red has the attitude like Red. xD. Did I mention that Red is really really perverted compared to Blue of course. LOL
They also have their own official music, it’s actually a contest they run last year, it was way before I know about Dick Figures. And I had to say the music is good. I’m not sure about the lyrics though xD
And after listening to it, I can’t stop xD
I’m sure looking forward for new episodes after this xD

Vampire Diaries Season 3

POSTED ON: Sunday, February 5, 2012 @ 11:04 AM | 0 comments

Alright. Guess who’s back into Vampire Diaries again? Me! That’s right! Just finished watching Season 2 and just caught up with Season 3 and so far the drama… keeps getting better and better, and I like it! The suspense is so there.
So what’s up with Season 3, well, I don’t know where to start, since, I’ve been exposing myself with the spoilers I read. So not cool at all. Anyway, Stefan the protagonist has become to antagonist, and it also leads to Damon from the antagonist to the protagonist, well, it’s complicated, I know.
Did I mention that Stefan is already becoming more like a dick , oops I mean a mean jerk. Don’t mind me using that word because in that whole season,they’ve been using that word… ALL… THE… TIME… it’s just sometimes I wanna hit Stefan hard on his head to get his humanity back. And then there’s Damon, ‘trying’ yes, notice the statement there, to knock some senses out of him, and as usual Elena is stuck with Stefan’s situation, and not to mention her affections towards Damon is showing. Oh, did I mention that Damon and Elena kissed?! Oops, spoiler leaked there, for those haven’t watch it yet. So, in short, I’m so over Stelena now, it’s Delena now. No seriously I was so into Stelena in Season 1 and 2 until Season 3 comes along.
So, basically, Season 1 is all about Damon being the bad guy (temporary) and then Katherine, Season 2 is about Klaus, although he didn’t made any appearance until the near end of season 2, and then Season 3 is all about Klaus and The Original Family, although I’m wishing to know how will Elijah die already… seriously… well, I can’t get my hopes up because another 3 more episodes Season 3 of Vampire Diaries will end, and in comes Season 4. Yeah!
So speaking whether I liked the book better than the TV series… I think I prefer the TV series, I mean I didn’t fully read the novel actually… and I can pretty tell the book is way off the TV series. Hmm…. what else, basically I’m just summarizing up the whole thing I watched so far.
Oh, and then when I was watching the episode ‘Bringing Out The Dead’ one of The Original and one of the siblings, Kol, just caught my attention, he’s cute… I was practically staring at him the whole time…. …. sorry, Damon. ><
Now, I’m more eager to watch the next episode now!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Chinese New Year is Over. Life Goes Back

POSTED ON: Thursday, February 2, 2012 @ 10:34 AM | 0 comments

So just like that, Chinese New Year is over, and I’m back to where my whole life again. Kinda reminds me of waking up from a dream and then back to reality. Exactly like that. Oh well,
So what’s up with me these days? Hmm… complicated very complicated. And I’m not sure whether to say about this since I did threw a meltdown about it on my previous post… hmm… I think I should keep it a secret. And you must not know about it ;D
As usual, preoccupied with college plus assignments, but it’s all good. Worse part is that you have to complete the assignments within the deadline, that’s the big thing.
I’ve got nothing to say right now… hopefully there’s something interesting happens and I will blog about it. Till then!

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