Unlucky College Days

POSTED ON: Thursday, May 26, 2011 @ 9:03 PM | 0 comments

It's only 2 weeks and I'm already feeling the pressure I mean, I know that college is very THE HARD but I'm trying my best to cope with it, and the assignments are like major shit HARD!!!! Need to find time to complete it, no more messing around, I was so busy I can't even spent my time read the newspapers!!! It's so stressing I think I might have a few stands of grey hairs already.

The lecturers are also another thing, I mean they can be very very mean and strict compared to the secondary school, I can get used to the teachers in school, but in college... don't get me started on that, but today, I'm just very lucky that the lecturer didn't exploded over a stupid minor mistake. Thank my lucky stars.

Also, my luck isn't helping me so much in college, I've been messing up little by little sometimes even anger the lecturer, I mean I didn't actually piss them off but I do think I annoy them... 10% is very important to me, if I were to be good and discipline (which I'm trying very very hard not too)

I'm also trying to be hardworking to complete my assignments to avoid getting myself from trouble. Just needed to be that way. And I've been getting tired and sleepy lately over the class... sigh.

Of course, my buddies in the class were very friendly and helpful, just very grateful to have them... like this evening, I really owe them 100%!!! I just really love them... as a friend.

Such a depressing life!!

POSTED ON: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 @ 9:32 PM | 0 comments

I never knew that college will get to me unlike secondary! I mean this is really too much! The assignments are really starting to stress me out!!! I'm trying my best to take it slow, but not too slow!!!! Sigh.

College is starting to change me completely, I'm starting to forget things and my memory is really really bad nowadays I'm not sure why!!! The lecturers are really pressuring us so it's kinda hard for me so much!!!

Today's class was so bad!!! The whole day was Drawing and based on the subject it's all about doing drawing! =.=''' The lecturer was young and pretty like what Mel said but she is really harsh!! I mean she just graduated and she's starts to act like the teachers in secondary school which they are VERY MUCH OLDER THAN HER!! URGH! I mean, seriously, I thought all the lecturers are very nice and happy-go-lucky people but when she starts to open her mouth... it's like poison you're trying to take in... she seems to be easily annoyed like me, bu at least I'm not like THAT!!!! C'mon! When she's nice, I like her, when she's mean, I don't like her... seriously!! She even freaking said the word 'ASS', I never thought that I would hear the lecturer said that from her mouth!!!

Looks like I have to get used to her then, no choice and no other way out to escape from her grip and clutches. And by the end of the day after all that 'drawing' my hand was so numb and tired! For the time being I wouldn't want to see a pencil in front of me... =.=.

I pray that I would go through this college life, because I know there were more coming right at me...

College hectic!

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 22, 2011 @ 3:23 PM | 0 comments

Okay, it's already a week since I started college and it's already stressing me out! So many assignments to do!!! But I have to keep calm or else it will seriously get to me... and then there's Figure Studies which I have to draw 3 portrait drawings...to do!!!! My god I can seriously die!!!! But luckily this Thursday I have no class on that subject so more time for me to complete the drawing.... my goodness this is seriously going to take some serious time and I'm going to seriously die from this! So far, that's the hardest assignment....

2nd day, even better

POSTED ON: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @ 6:26 PM | 0 comments

Okay, today's my 2nd day. And I have to say it was wayy... better than the 1st day, so... my first day wasn't going to well, under the category of mixing friends but today, yes, I made some friends, and all the thanking credits have to give it to my lecturer Wei Nee, she gave us an assignment to find out more about our classmates, and it did work, people started to call my name, my nickname xD. But there was one thing that everyone agreed too... I'm short.... actually there is one guy who's about my height, but he got happy after seeing my height. Sad. I want really want to hug Ed right now, to cry on his shoulder.

The lecturer on the other hand, she was different, I mean she's a Chinese and her name too, but her appearance looks exactly like Marion Caunter, I was totally surprise! And in total shock. Then, we were given ANOTHER assignment again, haiz. I have to start doing it already to prevent any trouble from the lecturers. College is serious business now.

First Day in College

POSTED ON: Monday, May 16, 2011 @ 9:35 PM | 0 comments

Alright, today's my first day, I was half-excited and not knowing what to expect at all, but still all was fine. I was feeling awkward all the way in fact the whole freaking day!!!! And it wasn't easy to find a friend there since they are all Chinese in their own group, for a moment there I thought they were really stuck up, but that's just me I guess I can judge a book by it's cover.

So, the first lesson was interesting enough, because I get to learn the basics about Adobe Illustrator today... with a Mac Computer! Using a Mac Computer was so cool, and since it was my first time using it I was quite blur and excited to use it, and the keyboard was so small and light compared to the normal PC keyboard, the best part was the lecturer allow us to go online while we were having a break. I stopped by at Twitter and Tumblr, don't there to go to Facebook.

Thank God that Mel was joining me for the same class later in the evening, coz I knew I would be very lonely by myself later, it's already bad enough that we're not in the same class... and it sucks big time so much!!!

So anyway, Pengajian Malaysia a.k.a Malaysian Studies was so much interesting, and already the lecturer asked us to find a partner and that was the epic worse part of all!

1. Mel was in a different class so I can't join her
2. I can't find myself a partner!! Most of them are taken!! STUPID!!

But I knew, if I'm going to sit around I'm so going to fail that particular assignment so I braced myself to ask that one person I hope with my finger-crossed that he wasn't partnering with anyone else, and thank the Lord from heaven that he didn't have a partner yet, so we discuss to choose a topic some other time. So that settles it I guess, oh, before I forget the lecturer for Malaysian Studies was hilarious!!! Again, my first impression was his was a strict lecturer because of his looks, so I figured I must pay attention and at least score and complete my work, but once he opened his mouth, all hell break loose, and when I mean that, I mean that the hell of laughter exploded, we laughed like crazy because of his jokes, and we enjoyed it...

Tomorrow don't have class because of Wesak Day, so another day for resting. And because of not going to school for so so long, I'm feeling entirely lazy. Too lazy. But, there's always the following day, and I'm so hoping for the another day of the best time in college on Wednesday.

College tomorrow!

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 15, 2011 @ 6:21 PM | 0 comments

Tomorrow start to go to college already. Well, yeah, it takes a while, I guess already half of my schoolmates area already studying half of their 1st semester, what not. Hmm... the sad thing is that Mel and i aren't in the same class, and the worse part is that I don't have transport to go home, the timetable is really clash and hectic, and Mum finally regrets it for not taking me to driving lessons, well, it's her problem not mine.

Don't know what to expect for my first day tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to. And making new friends... that... well, to be frank I'm kind of a shy person... so it's never once I tried to say hi and introduce my name. But it's important to make friends I know that. And hopefully, there's someone has the same interest as I do. I hope someone like anime!!!! T^T. That's what I want.

And there's the only time me and Mel get to meet is at Monday (tomorrow) for Pengajian Malaysia, that's all. Well, hopefully we can meet during breaks.

Orientation Tomorrow. College on Monday

POSTED ON: Thursday, May 12, 2011 @ 3:00 PM | 0 comments

Aiyoh!!! Time flies so fast, tomorrow is orientation for college and next is the real course already!! And I'm joining Melissa as well! Woot! Woot!

I'm really excited!!! Don't know what to expect but I'm looking forward to it, and also making new friends but I'm really expecting to, but I'm also hoping that Mel and I were in the same class!! Finger-crossed >.<

2 good dreams in a row! ♥

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 8, 2011 @ 9:24 PM | 0 comments

Alrighty, I have the best of the best (one of the best) dreams yet AGAIN! And I really cannnot ask for anymore! The best! It's kinda like a 2-in-1 kind of dream. And I think it sorta gives me the idea to write again, the idea is really there inserted.

And secondly, again, BTR is in my dream again! Yip! Nice, BTR madness is in growing stronger by the minute and every day, nowadays. And the good news is, I already caught up with all the latest episodes! Screw Nick Asia with their slow mo airing! But I can always watch the reruns till no tomorrow! Peace!

Now before I sign off. I MUST MUST put this picture,

Now, you dare say my James not hot and attractive, Imma kill you!

Something For All Harry Potter Fans

POSTED ON: Thursday, May 5, 2011 @ 6:54 PM | 0 comments

I thought you know since the final part of the movie is coming up I thought of posting this, in tribute.

Come on! We all feel that way

New Tumblr Blog. Big Time Rush ;D

POSTED ON: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 @ 2:01 PM | 0 comments

So... I created a new Tumblr blog because I couldn't contain myself anymore, since I'm now (and still) going crazy over Big Time Rush. Happy, happy! So I just started 'reblogging' and I already have 700+ post! Yeah! It takes a lot of hard work to pull off the reblogging. So anyway, I'm still craving for more reblogging of Big Time Rush, well, I am a fanatic about them right now, so who's going to blame me for it? Hmm...

Yeah, this is not usually my thing but I couldn't help myself, I can say that this is probably the first time I gone crazy over boy bands. And I'm not old for that, right? Right?

Maybe, just maybe I will post some pictures of the random BTR things I reblogged (and I mean lots of BTR things, remember, 700 post?) But I don't mind filling up my blog with BTR, I really don't mind, hey, come to think of it, I might just change my blogskin to BTR too! XD

But come to think of it, blogskins.com is impossible to find the 'specific' blogskins, and that's really really lame. Not to mention nowadays I have the most PATHETIC, ANNOYING, SPAMMERS LOVE TO TALK AT MY CBOX! I swear, I'm going to remove my Cbox.

Anyway, yesterday, they played Big Time Rush's Boyfriend, and yes I was very excited/happy/fangirling all the way. Finger-crossed and I began chanting 'Boyfriend, boyfriend' and the song started playing and then I started jumping!

I'm pretty confident that BTR will become even more famous, and when I mean even more famous, I mean internationally famous, so that (hopefully) I'm praying that they will come perform in Malaysia soon before it's too late!!! They already went to London and Berlin TWICE!!!! Can you believe that?


The Royal Wedding

POSTED ON: Monday, May 2, 2011 @ 2:38 PM | 0 comments

Okay, I suppose to publish about this a day after the royal wedding which is held on March 29th. But I guess I forgot about it.

Of course, I'm excited about the royal wedding. This is a wedding which the world was watching, the whole entire world! But first, let me say a few words of the wedding 30 years ago! Yes, I'm talking about Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding. It's kind of a waste not watching it because the wedding was in the year 1981, that was many years before I was even born, so try talking to me about it is really blur. But forget about that, this year in the year 2011, after 20 years since the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana we can now watch once again the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

I just don't get the other people not taking any interest of the royal wedding. And I think that's just really heartless not taking a bother, I mean come on, how often can you see this once in a lifetime chance! People just don't understand.

The wedding was beautiful. Honestly, I never witness a wedding in my life, not counting the Hollywood weddings, even if I know how to speak the wedding vows from there (not entirely, but I know how the speech goes). Seeing the real thing, was really something meaningful. After seeing the balcony kiss, the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana balcony kiss just triggered in my mind. It's really just beautiful. Besides, it was a fairy tale wedding to witness, all the princesses stories, Cinderella, Snow White, Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, just came into my mind.

Not to mention, Prince Harry's cheekiness will never fail to surface after teasing his older brother about Kate Middleton when she was walking down to the aisle. Harry, why are you such a meanie!! But it was really funny watching it. LOL

Well, I have nothing much to say now but just hoping that both Princess William and the new Princess Catherine will live happily ever after! Fingers crossed, to the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

It's MAY!!!!

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 1, 2011 @ 1:35 PM | 0 comments

It's finally MAY!!!! And I'm starting to feel excited already!!! Whoopie! Reason? Because I'm starting college very very soon with Mel Mel! Excited! Don't know what to expect but I'm looking forward to learn new things that's why. The one thing I'm hoping right now is that I'll be in the same class as Mel, hopefully that happens!

And there's another thing I'm looking forward to, new Big Time Rush episodes!!!! YES! Already I downloaded some since I can't stand waiting for the repeats, but still I'm excited!!!!!

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