Vampire Diaries Season 3 Finale!

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 13, 2012 @ 11:39 AM | 0 comments

Watched Vampire Diaries Final Episode of Season 3 yesterday. And DAMN it was intense! Was having mixed emotions watching it as well.
Okay, this episode titled ‘The Departed’ and it shows Elena’s flashback before the death of her parents from the Wickery Bridge and also with Alaric now becoming an Original Vampire Hunter who’s out to kill all the Original Family, with Klaus being dessicated and hidden from Alaric. The reason is there could be a chance that Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Tyler and Bonnie’s mum, Abby is from Klaus vampire bloodline. So if Klaus dies, all of them based from the Vampire Bloodline dies.
And also, Elena gets to choose between Stefan and Damon, which is the main thing about the episodes, where the Stelena and Delena fans gripping on their seats to watch who Elena will finally choose and let someone go. Which is hard to predict for me since I’m part Stelena and part Delena so don’t go judging me.
Eventually, Elena chose Stefan. But Elena still cares for Damon. And that’s the heartbreaking scene for the love triangle in the series.
The scene gets more intense when Alaric kills Klaus, giving everyone a hard time that there’s a chance they might not survive and die.
But as it turns out, oddly, they didn’t die just yet. I thought maybe they were not based from Klaus bloodline but maybe from Elijah. But Bonnie did something  bad and evil by transferring Klaus’ spirit into Tyler’s body. And that part sparks my WTF reaction because clearly Klaus is going to use Tyler’s body to get to Caroline. Trying to get an advantage there, aren’t you Klaus?
And then, Rebekah caused an accident making Matt and Elena crashed into the Wickery Bridge. And Elena dies from drowning making Alaric dies too, since Esther linked Elena’s life with Alaric, so if Elena dies, Alaric dies.
Alaric’s death scene really gets to me. I mean Alaric is one of the good guys and the best, and the fans will be devastated, but Alaric will be back in Season 4 but as a ghost, so fans don’t need to fear!
Then, Elena dies from drowning, the only twist that got me really shocked is the fact that at the end of the episode Elena wakes up as a vampire. Kinda just like in the books all over again.
Honestly, I don’t like to see Elena as a vampire, but I guess it’s Julia Plec to decide on that, but I can’t help to think what’s Elena going to react about it. And for that, Season 3 of Vampire Diaries has ended. Now, waiting for Season 4 in September.

College Pressure, it’s starting.

POSTED ON: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 @ 11:38 AM | 0 comments

2nd day of college today, and the stress is building up already. SHIT! The pressure is giving me too much and not to mention that the assignment is getting tougher and tougher, it’s the the next level of the game or some sort.
So 6 classes I’m having this semester and I’m already shaking in fear.
Now I’m just very afraid that I can’t cope and manage to catch up, laziness is totally not involved in this particular case.
Not to mention the fact that, I can be pretty sure that I can’t update my story now, I wonder if I can at least update once a week or something like that.
Well, it’s still too soon to tell.
I’m so going to pray now

Back to college tomorrow

POSTED ON: Sunday, May 6, 2012 @ 11:37 AM | 0 comments

Sigh, this is it. After a month of holiday break I’m back to college, which also means the hecticness about the overloaded assignment is at my ass.
Not to mention that the next semester I have 6 classes on my timetable. Sigh. Torturous I tell you.
And then, I have my story up and running for the Watty Awards, hopefully my college isn’t in the way to make things seriously worse then it’s ever been.
Anyway, I needed to finish Former Childhood Friend before the closing date of the Watty Awards. I need a lot of luck for this.

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