Rise of the Guardians underachieve in the box office?

POSTED ON: Friday, November 30, 2012 @ 8:52 PM | 0 comments

So it's been already a week since Rise of the Guardians debut in the cinemas, and the movie was good and well-received but when it comes to the box office.... not quite.

You see, because Twilight : Breaking Part 2 is out there's been some major competition when it comes to the box office, and very unlucky it's not quite good.

Even, in my local cinemas, most of the people prefer to watch Twilight than RotG and that's really really sad. Although I do blame Dreamworks for releasing the movie when Twilight is showing, they know better that Twilight is doing so well, and the fact it's already the final movie of the whole saga.

That Wreck-it-Ralph for example. The movie was released before Twilight and the animated movie right now is very very successful.

Right now the current problem is, if people are not watching Rise of the Guardians, the cinemas will stop showing it, and it's already starting in my cinemas, as there's not a lot of showtimes, that's also really really sad as the movie is amazing! I mean how can not people look how amazing the animation is? Everything in the movie is perfect!

Now, I'm hoping that people still watch Rise of the Guardians so that the movie is still running until at least a month after the release, if the movie is successful there's hope for a RotG sequel, because it's important that they reached the budget and the successfulness of the film concern. 


POSTED ON: Thursday, November 22, 2012 @ 3:37 PM | 0 comments

I watched Rise of the Guardians on the first day it's release which is today! And OH MY GOSH it's amazing! Everything of the movie is just perfect! It's even better when I watched it in 3D! 

Now.... for the summary and the spoilers of the movie, brace yourself. 

Since I already knew some of the spoilers of RotG, I’m kind of worried how it will turn out when watching the movie. But I braced myself for it. But I’ll try to keep this review short…. I tend to write a lot when it comes to movie reviews. 

The whole battle scene was intense, most of it actually. The movements are quite incredible and of course not to mention the sand particle’s from Sandy are REALLY REALLY real…. when you watched it in 3D. 

Tooth-hunting part was quite hilarious! Probably my favourite part in the whole movie! Didn’t actually know that the Guardians are quite competitive. xD 

Emotions in the movie were very very vivid. Like you can actually feel the character’s feelings and expression from it….. like Jack Frost’s part mainly. I’m not sure about other animated movies though, but in this movie, my opinion… the feelings are real.

Jack’s memories on how he died was pretty pitiful. I already predicted that they won’t mention her sister’s name. And I so knew it that Jack is a brunette! I like brunettes  
And the whole thing with Pitch tormenting/mocking/tempting Jack was really scary? Intense? That’s what I thought in my head, I would say. Pitch and Jack have one thing they have in common, children don’t believe in them. 

Jack’s powers are channelled from his emotions….. I gotta say badass angry Jack Frost… IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! Especially the part when he wanted to save Sandy, but failed. 
And yes, the whole warm fluffiness in the movie between Jack and Jamie…. priceless…. especially the part when Jamie FINALLY saw Jack. Instant tear-jerker touching moment. I’m surprised that I didn’t cry though…. BUT I STILL HAVE THE FEELS!

Cute shrunken little Bunnymund? It definitely won the “BEST AWWWW moment” in the whole movie. I JUST WANNA HUG HIM!!!!!! 

So…. in my opinion of the overall movie? I say it’s amazing and it’s definitely worth waiting for…. I think my whole reaction of the movie will be different if I didn’t read the spoilers and look at the pictures at the same time (I blame totally on Tumblr on this, curse you Tumblr). But hey, with or without spoilers it’s still one heck of a movie. 

But I wanted to watch again for the 2nd time, this time in 2D. I love every moment of the movie.... especially JACK FROST!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!! HE'S JUST SO PERFECT! And the fact that he's a brunette when he's a human (and I love brunettes) and he has blue eyes as a Guardian (I FREAKING LOVE GUYS WITH BLUE EYES!) 

I swear I think I just love Jack Frost even more now. 

Countdown to RotG - 3 Days

POSTED ON: Sunday, November 18, 2012 @ 12:30 PM | 0 comments

Countdown to RotG - 4 Days

POSTED ON: Saturday, November 17, 2012 @ 12:31 PM | 0 comments

Happy Deepavali!

POSTED ON: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 @ 9:02 PM | 0 comments

It's Deepavali and you know what that means....... Deepavali dinner at my Devia's house! I just love going to her house because that's the only place I can go where I can have fun with my other friends, Nicole and Chia Chih.

And I decided to bring my friend's Rise of the Guardians art book for them to see, I bet they're stoked to look at it, I know coz I already seen it and I was all over the moon.

Yeah, with the RotG feels taking all over, I can't just calm down. One : The animation is good and Two : JACK FROST. 
So yeah, bringing the book there is going to be a surprise. And I did a pretty good job on it, because all of my friends are fangirling.... especially Nicole. The Jack Frost feels everywhere, we are all high and fangirling a lot more than usual, but I suppose that's normal as girls.

Still, I wish I can have the book as my own, I mean, I'm willing to spend hundred dollars just for one art book because, well, it's worth it of course!

And I honestly can't wait for the movie already! 

The Art of Rise of the Guardians

POSTED ON: Friday, November 9, 2012 @ 12:52 PM | 0 comments

So.... earlier this week, the people selling art and design books came to my college as usual. And I encountered something that I did not expect at all....


I've been wanting to get a peek of this book as soon as I'm hooked of the movie.... and Jack Frost of course. 

Obviously, the price of the book is over the top, however one of my college friend manage to buy it and lend it to me.

Damn, I tell you the contents of the books is amazing! More behind-the-scenes stuff on the movie, character designs and of course..... SPOILERS. It tempts me not to read the contents of the spoilers, having to look at the books and pictures is already bad enough to reveal the spoilers. 

I'm excited to show this book to my other friend who are already hooked with RotG. I bet they're excited. 

Countdown to RotG - 5 Days

POSTED ON: @ 12:38 PM | 0 comments

More videos of Rise of the Guardians

POSTED ON: Monday, November 5, 2012 @ 9:22 PM | 0 comments

If you're going to blame me for posting videos about RotG.... then I'm judging you right now. Okay, I admit this is the first time that I'm actually excited for an animated movie before the release.... I guess it's normal right?

Anyway, there are more clips of Rise of the Guardians in Youtube.....

Vampire Diaries - The Five

POSTED ON: Thursday, November 1, 2012 @ 11:13 PM | 0 comments

This episode focuses on the Delena scenes mainly for Delena fans of course. Couldn't you tell about it?

Apparently, from what I heard there's going to be a steamy scene between Damon and Elena, well, I have no complains on that since I love Delena and Stelena at the same time.

So this episode focuses on Elena, Bonnie and Damon taking a road trip out of town, and Damon is going to teach Elena how to feed from a human equals how to be a vampire with Stefan's knowledge about it.

Meanwhile, back at Mystic Falls, Klaus has already captured the vampire hunter Connor putting him in chains and asked Stefan for his help, during this part, Stefan mentions the "Red Room of Pain" and I almost burst out laughing because it reminded me so much of Fifty Shades of Grey which I read (and the book is really really hot and sexy, and I don't care what the haters of the books will say about it). Klaus makes a deal with Stefan to ask Rebekah's help since Klaus and Rebekah aren't in good terms right now to reveal more stories about the secret society of the vampire hunters where Connor is involved.

Back with Damon and Elena, both of them decided to join in a party and hunt down for human bloodbags. Elena successfully done her first feeding from the vein and wanted more... both Damon and Elena get down and dirty (sorta) getting all high and drinking blood from the people in the party, and that's when Bonnie came and saw the whole thing, and Elena snaps out of it, regretting what happen because she doesn't want to be like Damon, at all.

In Mystic Falls, Stefan summons Rebekah and she tells her story on her love life with one of the vampire hunters who she is so in love with, discovering more secrets about the vampire hunter's background reveals the shocking truth.... a cure for a vampire to become human again. That without a doubt shocked me, cause once you become a vampire you're already dead. And after Rebekah reveals the big secret Klaus daggered her to keep her quiet and not interfere with his plans.... he wanted the cure so that Elena becomes human again so he can use her blood to create his army of hybrids again.... and him and Stefan secretly join forces, because Stefan wanted to be human again and wanted Elena the same thing as well... but Klaus warns him not to tell this to anyone, not even Elena and Damon at all. 

Damon, Elena and Bonnie returns to Mystic Falls, and Elena decided to tell Damon off.... making him disappointed, while Connor escapes from Klaus. 

Rise of the Guardians - Meet the Characters

POSTED ON: @ 8:54 PM | 0 comments

Counting down to the days of Rise of the Guardians, it's coming really really soon. And I'm so freaking excited! OMG! Finally, after all that waiting the time is almost coming!

If you read my previous post on Rise of the Guardians, you should know a little on what's the movie about, then again, who couldn't resist Jack Frost? Who is hot (but cold) character? I admit, I was swooning over him.

Then, in come Tumblr, which is one of the places I love but it's also a bad thing going there, because.... it's a DEADLY PLACE FOR SPOILERS! Dun! Dun! Dun! Yes! It's true! I've already read few of the spoilers which is already going to be in the movie and I can't bare imagining it! It's just too much!

But of course, the RotG (short for Rise of the Guardians) fandom is also enjoyable, (since most of the RotG fandom is Jack Frost fandom) and it's one of those fandoms I'm glad I'm in as well.....

Enough with my words, let's check out some of the clips from Dreamworks about RotG....

Seriously, how can you not resist Jack Frost? *swoons*

Bunnymund a.k.a Easter Bunny. He has an Australian accent.... even bonus material that Hugh Jackman is the voice of him.

North a.k.a Santa Claus. He has a Russian accent and badass tattoos!

Toothiana a.k.a Tooth Fairy. She's a different kind of fairy since she's a half hummingbird half fairy. Cool huh?

Sandy a.k.a Sandman. This Guardian doesn't speak, however he communicates with sands as pictures on top of his head. 

There's no video of Meet Pitch though, I think that Dreamworks, has plans for Pitch to surprise us. For sure. 

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