Christmas in KL

POSTED ON: Wednesday, December 25, 2013 @ 12:56 PM | 0 comments

It's finally Christmas, the best time of the year where families come together to celebrate this festive season of giving and receiving, and no it's not about the presents I'm talking about, Christmas is more than just that, obviously.

And this year, it's going to be my first time celebrating Christmas away from home, well not out of the country celebrating Christmas, but in KL where I celebrate with my aunt and uncle for the first time.

We had Christmas lunch with my cousin's family, it was awkward when you think about it but it's actually not that bad, they're nice an friendly. Also, I can't remember when was the last time I ate turkey for Christmas.

It's quite a nice lunch when you look at it, and also I got presents it's not the best gifts but I like it.

Christmas lunch with the family, we should do that more often. 

Comic Fiesta DAY 2 UPDATE

POSTED ON: Sunday, December 22, 2013 @ 6:04 PM | 0 comments

Day 2 of Comic Fiesta is here! This time my cousin bro and my little sister are joining me on the 2nd day of the event. And this time, we don't have to line up to get the tickets for Day 2 because my aunt already brought it for us so that we don't have to queue up. So we can get to enter the hall with so much ease.

My feet still hurt from yesterday's walking I was bracing myself for another aching moment in my feet so yeah, and besides I'm going to spent my whole day there so it's going to be a pain.

My 2nd day ticket. WOOOO 

This time I took more pictures than yesterday but not alot thought since my phone battery decided to fail on me again sigh.... 

But let the pictures do the talking shall we?

Took some pictures of figurines which were on display, this figure looks amazing you can tell that this isn't any kind of cheap plastic figurines, I won't be surprise the price of the figurines are pricey. 

I went shopping for more art print stuff and this time I manage to get this : 

This artwork of Jack Frost and Elsa went wild in Tumblr, and when I mean wild I mean it spreaded and people starting to repost it without the original artist's name to that my friend is a art theft there, I absolutely have no idea that this person that drew this artwork is from Malaysia and I'm so glad that she is that I manage to get my hands on this art. I don't ship Jack and Elsa, but this artwork is a must buy for me, I'm glad that they still have stock for this artwork, because I was saving money yesterday to buy other things. 

And I also went hunting for some Free! stuff mainly Haru of course. 

I didn't buy this it's just for display but it was out of focus I should have take it the second time T^T

More Free! stuff that Haru artwork from the same artist who draw that Jack and Elsa picture though. Hurrrrr....

And Jack Frost returns! 

Took a few pictures of cosplayers as well, but damn my phone battery. 

Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon

Elsa from Frozen. My gosh, this one is beautiful

And Ayato Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers.

And bonus stuff : 

My friend was comissioned to do this art of MakoHaru and this is the end result OMG I was fangirling all the way when she was drawing it and the end product was just gorgeous Haru is gorgeous I just want to touch those abs she drew. 

At the end of the day, my feet gave up on me once more and it hurt like a bitch, my feet and thigh hurts to the point that I can't walk anymore. And what's worse I have to attend dinner on that same night. 

But whatever it is, I'm glad that my first time in Comic Fiesta was amazing and fun, it's what I hope to be and I love being there, making new friends seeing most of the people who share the same interest with anime and cosplaying, and it's good to know that this convention is quickly growing more and more people to attend, I mean over 10000 people came to Comic Fiesta. 

I'm looking forward to next year to attend Comic Fiesta again. 

Comic Fiesta DAY 1 UPDATE

POSTED ON: Saturday, December 21, 2013 @ 5:15 PM | 0 comments


After four years of waiting this is it, I manage to attend Comic Fiesta, so let me narrate through my experience over there. 

My aunt accompanied me to KLCC where Comic Fiesta is held since I have no idea how to navigate myself through KL I needed company, I didn't go to KL so very often so I needed someone there for me so I don't get lost in the crowd and the place. 

The line was long when we got there around 8am.... 

But luckily the line was moving from the outside so it wasn't that bad, but.... the inside....

This is where the real problem of the Comic Fiesta begun, the line was moving slowly and there was a lot of people but thankfully the hall where I was lining up was really air-conditioned so I don't have to feel so stuffy in there, thank goodness. 

But I got a ray of hope above me, one of my friends from the art booth inside the hall, brought for me tickets on the spot of the on site ticket sale, so I didn't have to wait too long, I parted from my aunt and I get to enter the hall with so much ease. 

It's so good to see this on my wrist, you have no idea how happy I was seeing this on....

And this is the hall once I entered there's a lot of people already when I entered, but still the whole event takes most of the hall from Hall 1 - 6 so it's going to be a very large space to be. And so I began walking through the crowd. 

I wanted to see my friends as well the ones who brought me the tickets because they set up an art booth, also I planned to meet my roleplaying friends which I met in Tumblr because that's where we planned to meet at my friend's booth. 

There they are working on their commissions, did I mentioned that they're also from my college as well, it's so nice seeing them again. And I figured I would contribute to their work so I asked one of them to draw Amaya for me, and this is the result I got.

And I love it! It's exactly how I picture Amaya who she actually look like that. I'm so happy with the outcome. 

Also I decided to look at the other art booth to buy some stuff back home, last year they sold a lot of ROTG stuffs so I was silently hoping that they will sell it again this year, and I was glad that they did, not only that. Since this year there's a lot of new hit anime came out like, Attack on Titan, Free! etc...  I decided to hunt down for some Free! stuff, which I did. 

Muahaha! Look at my collections, I'm quite happy to see some ROTG stuffs still selling while I was there, and I didn't hesitate and brought as much Jack Frost stuffs from any store I came across. 

I didn't take a lot of pictures because I blame my phone that eats a lot of battery that prevented me to take any pictures, besides I need the battery to contact my aunt to meet her, after Comic Fiesta. I wanted to take a lot of pictures of cosplayers but I couldn't. 

Look at this store with the fanservice art like.... OMFG so hot when I saw it. 

I spotted Thor and Loki as well! Oooooooo

Spotted this familiar face as well when I was browsing through the art booth, looks familiar? 

By the end of the day, my feet hurts like hell from walking, I can't feel my feet from all that walking and my thighs were hurting when usually my knees hurt. Oh well, I needed a lot of rest so that I'm all geared up for the Day 2 of Comic Fiesta tomorrow. 


POSTED ON: Sunday, December 15, 2013 @ 1:08 PM | 0 comments

So it's been like forever since I last visit KL with I can't remember when was it, I miss going there and plus I like 4 years since I last go there, and not to mention my aunt promised me that I will get to go to Comic Fiesta and that's the biggest news that made my day so happy. I so wanting to go to Comic Fiesta for a long time after knowing about it 4 years ago but I didn't get the chance to attend it because of transportation and shit.

But this time, this time for sure I get to go. Besides, I needed a vacation after so long being stuck in Penang, it clearly no fun, I like to go to KL because that place is clearly have a lot of things to go and buy stuff from there compared to Penang, and the best part is I'm spending my Christmas there since I'm staying there for 2 weeks! Weeeee~~~~

I will post some updates being in KL from time to time, especially my time in Comic Fiesta for sure.

December, oh how fast time flies.

POSTED ON: Monday, December 2, 2013 @ 10:13 PM | 0 comments

And just like that we came to the end of the year, and also the month I must add. It's legit a blink of an eye how fast and it's already the end of 2013. A lot of things has happening indeed, lots of ups and downs I have to deal with but in the end it all turned out well.

And yet next year it's my final year, it's my 3rd year in college and from what I gain and witness with my very eyes I can tell it's going to be much much tougher than the first two years. And that thought of that scares the hell out of me completely. I don't know whether I could cope with the semester. I pray that I can, and after I'm though with this hellhole I graduate and then I face the real world, the working world.

Still, with this long holiday I managed to do things I didn't get to do for so long, college prevented me to do my favourite stuff, and also because I didn't write for so long, I began to suffer from a very bad writer's block and it's because it's another reason that I didn't pick up a book to read after so long as well.

But now, I'm all good, I'm trying to read as much series as I can before I go back to college, because obviously procrastination is the one thing I really one to avoid whenever I do my assignments. I mean I do want to read a book in between my assignments, but with the semester getting harder and harder as the year go I don't think it's possible anymore.

So that is why I'm going to make every second count fro my holiday.

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