Voting for the first time, a written history
Today I'm 24 years old, going to be 25 in the month of June. The requirement to register for voting is the age 21. 5 years ago in the year 2013, I didn't get my chance to vote as I was only 20 years old, just a year before the required age to start voting for the good of my country. And in that year 2013, the nation was angry, upset, disappointed, sad when they're ripped from their voice to vote. The vote which was unfair and just to the country Malaysia. Fast forward to the present. It's 2018, Malaysia once again is patiently waiting for their time again to vote and this time, hoping and praying that change will happen today. You see, it's been 60 years that only one political party has been winning the election since independence in 1957. Barisan National is the name. And while I'm not good with history and wasn't interested in politics whatsoever, it was quite appalling to hear that Barisan National was always the ruling party of Malaysia. If you ...