I miss reading

Since I started working, I didn't have the time to read novels like before. I mean in college sure I was busy as hell, but I still get to read a few books. But now, I could only read less, like this year alone I only read like 3-4 books it's depressing. And the number of books in my reading list didn't help at all and it keeps growing.

But that's the thing if you're a book reader, there's no such thing as too many books. Your reading list and the number of books keeps on growing and growing, it never ends.

At times like these I do wish I have a library in my house. A big large library like the scene in Beauty and the Beast. Oh, the Beast knows the way to win Belle's heart with her love of books.

If I could make an effort though, reading 1 book per day. It might just work besides I've been reading novels quicker than usual before.

It might just work.


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