Comic Fiesta DAY 2 UPDATE
Day 2 of Comic Fiesta is here! This time my cousin bro and my little sister are joining me on the 2nd day of the event. And this time, we don't have to line up to get the tickets for Day 2 because my aunt already brought it for us so that we don't have to queue up. So we can get to enter the hall with so much ease.
My feet still hurt from yesterday's walking I was bracing myself for another aching moment in my feet so yeah, and besides I'm going to spent my whole day there so it's going to be a pain.
My feet still hurt from yesterday's walking I was bracing myself for another aching moment in my feet so yeah, and besides I'm going to spent my whole day there so it's going to be a pain.
My 2nd day ticket. WOOOO
This time I took more pictures than yesterday but not alot thought since my phone battery decided to fail on me again sigh....
But let the pictures do the talking shall we?
Took some pictures of figurines which were on display, this figure looks amazing you can tell that this isn't any kind of cheap plastic figurines, I won't be surprise the price of the figurines are pricey.
I went shopping for more art print stuff and this time I manage to get this :
This artwork of Jack Frost and Elsa went wild in Tumblr, and when I mean wild I mean it spreaded and people starting to repost it without the original artist's name to that my friend is a art theft there, I absolutely have no idea that this person that drew this artwork is from Malaysia and I'm so glad that she is that I manage to get my hands on this art. I don't ship Jack and Elsa, but this artwork is a must buy for me, I'm glad that they still have stock for this artwork, because I was saving money yesterday to buy other things.
And I also went hunting for some Free! stuff mainly Haru of course.
I didn't buy this it's just for display but it was out of focus I should have take it the second time T^T
More Free! stuff that Haru artwork from the same artist who draw that Jack and Elsa picture though. Hurrrrr....
And Jack Frost returns!
Took a few pictures of cosplayers as well, but damn my phone battery.
Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon
Elsa from Frozen. My gosh, this one is beautiful
And Ayato Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers.
And bonus stuff :
My friend was comissioned to do this art of MakoHaru and this is the end result OMG I was fangirling all the way when she was drawing it and the end product was just gorgeous Haru is gorgeous I just want to touch those abs she drew.
At the end of the day, my feet gave up on me once more and it hurt like a bitch, my feet and thigh hurts to the point that I can't walk anymore. And what's worse I have to attend dinner on that same night.
But whatever it is, I'm glad that my first time in Comic Fiesta was amazing and fun, it's what I hope to be and I love being there, making new friends seeing most of the people who share the same interest with anime and cosplaying, and it's good to know that this convention is quickly growing more and more people to attend, I mean over 10000 people came to Comic Fiesta.
I'm looking forward to next year to attend Comic Fiesta again.
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