It's been too long.
Yes. It has been too long. Sigh.... When was the last time I updated my blog? It was January of this year and since then I basically abandon this blog, but not intentionally of course.
And now, here I am writing this post dated on November, you probably wondering what have I been doing throughout my 11 months of 2013. And let me tell you something, I've been very very busy.
College is now.... in each every semester I go through is getting tougher and tougher, I have my ups and downs, misconflicts with my friends because of our final project and it wasn't easy. I neglected my time in my hobbies, writing and drawing, and even reading books in which I downloaded over 70 books online and I have no time to read.
Also in June I already reached the adult age which is the age of 20, and the fact is I hated that age, the big number 20. And I can see why being 20 sucks a lot, as my parents expect me to be an adult now when I hate to become an adult, I hate to grow up, I still dream to be forever young, forever a teenager. Those were the good times.
But other than that,I made friends through role-playing and it's going to be almost a year I've been role-playing my OC character, Amaya. It's incredible and to think that it was just yesterday I created a Tumblr account just to role-play. I have met and talk to some amazing friends through role-playing.
As of right now, in my study room typing this post, I'm having my college break (finally) and I made a vow to do the things that college have prevented me to do. I just realized I've been rusty of drawing and my writing, which I didn't thought possible because writing is in my blood. As it turns out I've never been reading for so long as well as writing, that I couldn't make up words in my head when I try to write. It's sad. Sure, role-playing is the same thing you write every action with your character. But to be honest, it doesn't feel the same at all.
I hope to find time even for just 5-15 minutes to blog, to make sure that this blog of mine will stay active. To keep in update, till next time.
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