Pottermore Addiction!
So what’s up with me these last few days, nothing much besides the fact I’m writing my 2nd story in Wattpad, My Former Childhood Friend is a Celebrity. It’s been good so far, having comments and votes, but I need more than that, the progress is slow, not too fast. Sadly.
Anyway, I’m now into this Pottermore site. Pottermore is from Harry Potter, it’s an interactive site for Potterheads a.k.a Harry Potter fans, it was announced last year and the first come, first serve basis was released as well, I missed that chance before I have to read the book to answer the questions.
Then, now this year they finally release it to the public and every Potterheads are ready to sign up, since it’s still a Beta version, so the site is not fully operated yet.
I was excited. Reason, 2 things: My own wand and manage to get the sorting placing to my own class house, and I was hoping for Gryffindor, since, duh, I love Gryffindor, I feel I got a bit of Gryffindor in mean. I did compare my characteristics with other houses, but for some reason I’m suited in Gryffindor than Ravenclaw.
Here are some pics I print screen from Pottermore,
So, this is my wand. Sycamore with unicorn core, 11 1/2 inches, slightly springy.
I have to answer a few questions in order to obtain my very own wand and also actually I wanted my wand to be a phoenix core, quite sad that I have a unicorn core instead.
And then I reached to chapter 5 of the 1st book in Harry Potter series, The Sorting Hat.
Okay, I admit this part of the Sorting Hat I cheated a bit, and I redo the questions again, I admit, the questions are hard and very tricky…. and then…. I got this…
YES! I’m placed in Gryffindor! The moment I got the result I was spazzing inside of me, and doing my crazy random dancing because I was too excited.
And then, some of my friends also signed up for Pottermore, but sadly The Sorting Hat wasn’t being to nice to them.
3 of my friends got sorted in Slytherin (And I wanted them to be in Gryffindor)
1 of my friend got sorted in Gryffindor (I’m supposed to be happy, but she’s a die hard fan for Slytherin. Reason: *cough* Malfoy *cough*)
Pottermore was hard. In terms of making potions was tough, and the casting spells as well. But I managed to get the hang of it you know. But the best part is the Wizard Duel, or how I love the Wizard Duel!
I get to earn points for my house and technically Slytherin is really hardcore in obtain first. Figures. Gryffindor is 2nd (I think) and Ravenclaw… well, they’re pretty much trying to catch up as well.
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