The War Isn’t Over

So my previous post I mentioned about the fanwar between Rushers and Directioners. The fight isn’t over if that’s what you’re wondering, but I just learned myself there is a different side of Directioners, a double side of this fandom, known as Directionators, Directionators are the mean fans of Directioners, so in short, they are the devil. Since I have no knowledge of this One Direction stuff and what so ever, so I have no idea this exist in their fandom. Proof? I got it
So it’s true then.
So far for today I haven’t hear any angry rants from the DIRECTIONATORS. Of course I got all of these updates from Twitter.
What’s really sad that the Directioners are dragged into the mess, and they have to apologized on their behalf, very sad. But that’s a good thing, we received support from Directioners. And surprise, surprise, we also got support from the Beliebers!
Other than that, I have received replies from Directioners apologizing to me. Which in fact was a good thing, I’m happy that they cared as well, I met one Directioners who understands the current problem and LOVES RUSHERS, yes, you read it right, LOVE RUSHERS and followed me, and as for me returning the favour, I followed her back.
Well, I can see it from there, since from the beginning I didn’t come across any complains from the Beliebers hating on the Rushers, unlike the Directionators towards the Rushers, well, I supposed that they are also the understanding fans in the whole fanwar situation.
And yes, with all the drama going around, I am very mad. By far, the Directionators ARE THE WORST FANBASE I’VE ENCOUNTERED (please not I mentioned ‘DIRECTIONATORS’ )
Long story short, I want both fanbase to get along. End of story


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