That’s it! I’ve had it with them. I’ve been holding back for the longest time and now, I couldn’t sit around anymore, Directioners are the WORSE!!! Probably even worse than the Beliebers, if you don’t get what I’m talking about, I’m talking about One Direction, the current famous boyband which is going around for a while now, and their fandom Directioners, are pissing me off A LOT these days.
1. Because they keep doing trends on Twitter, that which us, the Rushers, giving a major headache because of them, and thus it begins a fan war between the Directioners and Rushers.
I got so mad when I saw the poll result, seriously! I went berserk!!!! >:(
Okay, if you don’t get the idea what’s going on, you see, Big Time Rush announced that they’ll be doing a U.S tour called the Better With U Tour last year and revealed that One Direction will be joining them, and I thought at that moment that the Directioners and Rushers will get along seeing 2 of their favourite bands performing, right? It’s a win win situation…
But my predictions were not even close that way…
At that moment, the Directioners are spazzing that they are going to BTR’s concert JUST to SEE One Direction performing, and I mean that really pisses the Rushers off! All they think about that the fact One Direction is going to perform and don’t give a damn about BTR.
Well, this is the part where the Directioners were too dumb to realize,
Directioners, you should be GLAD the fact that BTR is INVITING THEM TO THE U.S TO PERFORM! BE GRATEFUL THAT THEY’RE PERFORMING! Without BTR I bet you won’t get the chance TO SEE THEM LIVE!!!
Sure, the Directioners wouldn’t want to care about that of course, they’re too selfish to know that part of the truth. Heartless fans.
This is what they must know, BTR will ELEVATE to the top and prove you Directioners wrong!
I’ve already given a chance for the Directioners, I was just watching from the sidewalk, but now… you had leave me no choice but to join the rampage.
With all do respect, I DO AND INDEED respect and show no hate towards One Direction, but towards the Directioners, no chance anymore. And I have to admit, the Rushers are probably the most respectful fans ever! I know cause I am indeed one and met several Rushers who are like me, respectful.
So any Directioners reading this, I do hope you take the time to think about your actions because what you Directioners are inconsiderate and selfish towards yourself and just because of One Direction, and I had to say it I prefer the Beliebers better than you, in fact, you’re already BECOMING ONE OF THE BELIEBERS!!!!!
I know what you’re going to think, Haters Gonna Hate, well, Rushers Gonna Elevate! I rest my case!
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