Comic Fiesta… missed it AGAIN!

So it appears that Comic Fiesta just happened over the last weekend… and I didn’t go… for the 3rd time that is!!! ARGH!!! SO FRUSTRATING ACTUALLY TOO FRUSTRATING! Mel went there to cosplay… while I’m still here… in Penang… doing nothing =.=
Thought it went well…. until I found out that my cousin brother went there (and it’s a surprising thing to hear that because he’s not into anime and all that stuff, and it’s he’s first time there) and also that there were a lot of complains during the 1st day along.
Many people couldn’t enter the hall because of the management, no it’s not the Comic Fiesta management, but the KLCC management where the event was held, a lot of complains that the people couldn’t enter the hall and also that the tickets were sold out as well, suddenly, after hearing those complains I suddenly felt happy. But 2nd day was slightly better, which is a good news.
And right after that, my sis and I decided that we’re going to cosplay next year, and I will be cosplaying as Edward Elric… hahaha!!!! One year!


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