Soul Eater Obsession back AGAIN!

How it happen? Well… it’s kinda complicated since I’m quite outdated about the manga which is now Chapter 91 O.O! Wow! It’s been a while since I caught up with Soul Eater which is very very sad.
But now the obsession is back. Well, Soul Eater is one of my favourite manga/anime, and it’s been my favourite still.
So what’s currently happening to Soul Eater now, well, a lot of battles has been happening now… and not to mention the art… sigh… I prefer the old manga art, sigh. And the main characters are starting to get even more developed! … Well, almost. Their old usual personality still exist in them, the only differences I realized was Death The Kid, he’s starting to become more serious now in every chapters I read…. hmm….
Well… I’m looking forward to the next chapter… and I sure hope they will do a remake of the anime just like Brotherhood! I really hope so!


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