Good day!!! XD

Today’s a good day!!! And I suppose I have to owe it to God since, I’ve been praying a lot lately, and it finally paid off, since I didn’t failed any of my subjects at ALL!!! Happy! What’s even better, it’s that now… I only have 3 days of class only! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday while Thursday and Friday is a free day for me!!!! WOOTS!!!!!
Now, I’m feeling all geared up for the next semester now!  The only problem I’m facing right now is that I have to face that fussy lecturer again! URGH!!! Sure wish I’m out getting troubles from her again, what’s worse, I’m hoping that her assignments these time around are not as tough as the last semester… =.=… Whatever it is I’m going to try harder and ask God for His blessings….
And there’s another good news…
Say hello to my new baby, my 2nd baby to my gadget family
 Yup, I got my tablet. FINALLY! And I’m so happy of obtaining it!!!! Now I can start using it easily for my assignment and my drawings… it’s not easy using it on drawing, but I’m going to try my very best to get the hang of it…


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