Soo... yeah, it's the start of semester break already and I have plans... and these are my plans
- Reading fanfictions
- Reread Harry Potter Deathly Hallows
- Rewatch Inception
- Write my fanfictions
- Drawing
- Anime
And there's Plan No.2 under category Fanfiction
- Big Time Rush fanfiction
- Teen Titans fanfiction
- The Covenant fanfiction
Yeah, as you can see from the list there's no anime fanfiction inside... and that's sad. And yes, I added The Covenant inside the list because I didn't mention this before but I like the show The Covenant and it's mainly priority No.1 is because it's related to magic, enough said. I'll elaborate more on that next time because right now, I'm in the mid crisis of not finding that particular story related to The Covenant and I'm desperate for it!!!! I just can't find it anymore, I wonder if the author deleted the story... O__O. I've just have to keep my fingers-crossed AND looked the whole damn page for it... T^T
Oh... and there's the other thing that happen....

My dear James Maslow added me in Google Plus.... ASDFGHJKL..... I will forever remember this day...
17/8/11 @ 9.51am <3
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