Dream again
So just last night I dream’t again but this time it’s not related to BTR at all! This dream this time was related to one of my favourites which I can’t forget about, it’s listed as one of my top favourite mystical list. Magic. Take Harry Potter for a well good example. Since Harry Potter makes it’s debut on the big screen magic has taken a great interest on me. To the next level.
I do have dreams related to magic in the past, but in my dream world I unable to perform magic properly, you could say that I’m a weakling, trying to cast a spell but I couldn’t. That was when I was younger. But now, this time in my dreams I can cast spells easily with no worries, confidently. It’s like I’ve become experienced with it.
So the magic dream I’m having this time, kinda takes place in Hogwarts, it was very brief and wasn’t detail but I knew I was in Hogwarts. The situation in my dream was exactly like Deadly Hallows Part 2 where the battle takes place in Hogwarts. The EPIC scene of all. And as usual, like in all my magic dream. I was the one being target. It’s always been that way, me being target like I’m going to be a powerful witch.
In my dreams I was learning new spells, trying to fight off the people who are after me, I’ve learned a very special spell in my dream. It sounded like ‘Burning Petals,’ I just took the flowers and when I blow the petals to the enemies it would be into flames flying across them. Then, while fighting off them, I couldn’t perform magic and I panicked straight away because I couldn’t understand why I can’t perform magic.
Then the battle took place back at Hogwarts, where I was fighting with this girl, she was sinister, mocking and underestimate me, so I tried fighting her off, as it turns out she’s from Slyterin, she had black short hair, at first I could tackle her, but then later she almost tackle me. Using my wand as every possible to cast the spells on her. Then, I manage to grab the wand from her and all of the sudden, my dream got weirder that I had Malfoy’s wand with me. Immediately, I broke both the wands, and then she laughed evilly saying that Malfoy cast a spell on his wand when I broke it, saying that I’ll be dead.
It was about to get even more interesting, when I woke up. Sad. Good dreams have to end at the wrong time. But overall, I enjoyed the dream. It was good, I’m hoping that I will dream another magic dream. Soon.
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