BTR Formspring No.2
The guys were online yesterday in Formspring.... so I thought what the heck I'm going to pop another question to them... and this is what I asked them...

I thought you know in my last question I didnt put Malaysia in it, I figure they have no chance of coming here 'if' there's a World Tour, you know just to let them know that Malaysia loves them too... and Kendall replied xD.. I'm happy that he replied behalf of the band.
Then, I found out that he's sick and couldn't perform... so sad... =( and he killed some time answering fan questions... I'm still lucky and happy that he replied =).
Then, few hours later, when I opened their Formspring account.... it was disabled... yeah, I was shocked... not sad in fact since I have no questions in my mind to ask them... there's not many since I already know about them... well not entirely... then I realized that Kendall must have disabled it since there's too much spam and inappropriate questions... they mentioned it... kinda makes me sad that the Rushers are too impatient just to get their questions answered.
I mean, yeah, at first I wanted to spam them in Twitter, but I read somewhere from a Rusher, that spamming isn't going to work but just annoy them... besides James mentioned it as well, that he doesn't like spam... then I figured might as well, I wait one day they might reply me back... in Twitter of some sort...
Yeah, patience is everything, I was being patience to wait for James added me in Google Plus (in fact I created Google Plus for the sake of him following me) then, he did it! He followed me.... I was in total paradise... it's worth waiting if you ask me...
But I'm going to check their Formspring page everyday until the page is back online, NOT to ask them questions but just reading what other fans were asking and in fact get to know more about the boys =)
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