Sacrifices. Time to let it out now!
Since Teacher's Day I've been keeping this to myself for a while now. And now it's October it's appoximately 5-6months. And I'm telling it now. Ahem....
A day before Teacher's Day, the gang Mel, DV and Sereeta asked me a favour, and I asked them back what? They asked me to do a short scene for them when they performed the dance. They want me to 'shoot' them. And then I said 'Okay, where should I stand?,' They said 'The place you sat,'. Blur and confused I asked them back 'What? How?,' they responded this 'When you entered the hall, and you sit with the other students, when the signal starts you got up from your seat and then you 'shoot' us from there,'
At that point, I realized something was not right. Absolutely not right. How on earth is people going to see me in the dark once the hall all black with the lights off EXCEPT for the stage lights and not knowing where I was shooting?! Have they really thought about that? NO! They didn't! And I was dumb enough for not letting it out from my point of view. I thought I would be on the stage 'shooting' them. But damn I was sure wrong! Worse part, all three of them agreed. I was offended.
At that day, not only it became worse for me that I fell IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! But I was sure right, the stage lights was on and my 'shooting' part was my cue no one and no one noticed me, only a certain people did. I felt so offended once again.
I am a good person. Yea, I'm sure everyone must have said that BUT seriously I'm good anything what people say I keep it to myself, I've been backing up many people by not saying the truth from prevent getting in trouble. It just recently happen that few weeks back, from my sister, keeping the truth from my mum in the end I was the one getting scolding.
I don't know, about this I feel very hurt right now. I've made so many sacrifices in my life sometimes I regretted it, and this one is one of them I regretted MOST!
After that day, I wondered are they really my true friends I've been searching. That day, that desicion made me wonder if they just want the attention and not giving me the credit? Sereeta said to me 'You're a good friend, you sacrifice a lot for us,' I don't know if I can trust that line.
I keep things to myself to prevent the trouble. And I wondered to sometimes If I actually voiced out.... does that change something? And a second thought, I SHOULDN'T I REALLY SHOULDN'T HAVE AGREED DOING THAT SCENE. And I still do, right now, writing it and thinking about it.
People say forgive and forget. But some people who did wrong or got involved wre right about one thing. You can forgive BUT never forget!
Sincerely from my word,
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