Writer's Block Syndrome no more! CNY Here I come!! MONEY!!!!
Yes! I got the idea to continue my story already but sadly it's not my Blood Lust, it's my fanfiction story...sigh.... anyway I'm glad I got the idea and now I can get to continue so my readers don't have to wait sooo... long for me... but I want to complete this story as fast as I can so I can focus on other things. When I mean other things I mean studying and yes my New Year's Resolution is to focus one story only...which I kinda broke that resolution... hehehe.
So Chinese New Year is finally here and also Valentine's Day so don't forget to tell your love one's how much you LOVE them from the bottom of their hearts. I'm saying this coz I know some of my friends already got their honey... so I guess you know X). ANG POW!!!! Yes the money time is already here and also good food who would forget about that. Today my aunt will be coming out and we will be eating, mum had to take Rachel from school early so we don't have to wait and I have to go back to school since I'm following. Surely the juniors will spotted me, I know one junior who loves to say HI! in a loud way... but kinda reminds me of me!!! Heehee, since I love to shout A HELL A LOT!!! I want to be Miss Loudspeaker... T.T but I suppose I'm already so-called famous since I call my friends from the top of my lungs.... must thank my mum coz her voice is loud too. THANKS MI!!!
So that's it more updates tomorrow now going to update my story. CHAO!
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