LOL there are 2 songs in my head right now 1. Gundam 00 Season 2 Opening "Hakanaku mo Towa no Kanashii" by UVERworld and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood 2nd Ending "Let It Out" my goodness cannot let go!!!! I've been singing on and off non stop after listening to it it's addictive man XP
Very nice song indeed, so anyways I haven't write my blog for a long time temporary dead since I can only online on the weekends so anyways.... my favourite manga Fairy Tail by Mashiro Hino is going to be an anime *cheers* once again another magic anime (something like Soul Eater) and also Inuyasha: Final Act aka Season 2 of Inuyasha *cheers even more* haiz... it's a good thing too.... since well obviously there will be a comeback Inuyasha gave me a big influence on writing adventure-action stories aka shonen if you put it that way I think if Inuyasha wasn't born into the world I would be still blur with my stories ARIGATO GOZAIMASU TAKAHASHI RUMIKO-SAN!!!! You're truly my idol (one of my idols) to end it BRING IT ON NEW ANIMES!!!!!
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